Expert consultancy at Castelfranco Veneto
The Firm
Studio Vial at Castelfranco Veneto, a town near Treviso in northern Italy, operates mainly in the field of professional consultancy, specializing in international taxation, corporate restructuring, asset management and transfer, trusts, holdings, training activities, publishing and tax litigation.

Studio Vial offers support exclusively in specialized areas, working mainly alongside other professional persons.
About Us
Ennio Vial
Born in 1972, a chartered accountant and statutory auditor, Ennio works in the field of consultancy specializing in international taxation, corporate restructuring, trusts, and asset management and transfer. He has been a long-time speaker for leading training institutions and publishes articles and books on topics within the area of his expertise.
Silvia Bettiol
Born in 1990, a chartered accountant, Silvia is involved in various aspects of the firm′s activities. She is a speaker for training organisations and is the author and co-author of books and articles on topics within her area of expertise. She has gained expert knowledge in compliance matters related to holdings and statutory auditing.
Specialization and independence are the strengths of Studio Vial.
The dedication to specific professional fields is demonstrated by a long-standing presence in the market and by the fact that the firm does not deal with traditional compliance matters.
The firm consists of chartered accountants who are required to respect the principles of fairness and professional ethics and operate completely independently, as the firm is not affiliated with any networks or associations of any kind.
International taxation
Analysis of domestic, community and conventional regulations regarding the residency of individuals, companies, as well as matters concerning expatriates and repatriates, established organisations, management of transnational flows, cross-border transactions, transfer pricing, assistance with completing the Italian RW form and foreign income tax declaration.
Corporate restructuring
Analysis, development, and implementation of extraordinary operations involving various needs such as acquisition, divestment, generational change and modification of governance policies.
Asset management and transfer
The firm also handles the management and transfer of assets by way of the most suitable method for each individual case, such as extraordinary transactions, trusts, or other appropriate tools for the purpose in question.
The firm has gained extensive experience in the drafting and analysis of trust deeds, providing assistance in trustee duties, and overall compliance with trust obligations. Mr. Ennio Vial serves as an administrator of a professional trust company, while Ms. Silvia Bettiol acts as an attorney for a professional trust company.
The firm has acquired significant experience in the establishment and assistance with compliance matters related to family holdings.
Tax disputes
Assistance in dealings with tax authorities and tax litigation, including the support of professionals associated with the firm on relevant areas of expertise.
Training activities
The firm deals with training activities for leading training organizations, associations and professional bodies on relevant topics. Some information about past and upcoming events can be found in our blog.
Publishing activities
The firm publishes books and articles on relevant topics in leading Italian journals and with publishing houses. Some information about the publications can be found in the firm′s blog.
Articles, news and updates
Contact us
For any queries and further information, please fill in this form. We will be happy to personally answer your questions.
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Via Spagna 26
31033 Castelfranco Veneto TV
Tel: +39 3496774358
Email: vialennio@gmail.com